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Health Services


Richard Allen Schools Health Services provide services to students and families to promote the maximum physical and educational growth of students by providing, on school site, direct health services, health education, consultation for faculty and staff, and health promotion/prevention for staff and students.

Services provided are:

  • Screenings and Referrals

  • Administering Medications and Treatments

  • First Aid

  • Self Management Skill Support to Students

  • Health Counseling and Education



O: 937-723-7721 Ext. 24 Prep K-3 Campus

O: 937-951-2800 Ext. 318 Prep 4-8 Campus

O: 513-795-6549 RA Academy (Hamilton)



Required action

All Richard Allen Students MUST have complete and up to date immunization records on file in the Health Services office.  Non-compliance will result in your student being excluded from school attendance until compliance is reached. 


Our Expectations

Health Conditions

Parents: If you indicated on the Emergency Medical Form that your child has a health condition, please complete all applicable health and medication forms, and return them to the school nurse. This information and medication authorization is mandatory for students who need medication a RAS

All students with health conditions need the Authorization for Self-Carry Administration of Medication Form and Authorization for School Personnel Administration of Medication Form (both listed above) completed as well as the following form(s) coinciding with the student's condition:


  • Complete and submit asthma form

  • Obtain medical authorization for the applicable medication form(s) to both self-carry and self-administer an inhaler, or to have an inhaler available in the clinic for use, or both. Medication must be labeled and dispensed in the original container.



  • Complete and submit the Food Allergy Action Plan Form

  • If your student has an allergy to bee stings, complete and submit the Food Allergy Action Plan Form, but cross out food allergy, and write in “BEE STING.”

  • Obtain medical authorization for the applicable medication form(s) to both self-carry and self-administer an EpiPen, or to have an EpiPen available in the clinic for use, or both. Medication must be labeled and dispensed in the original container.



Knowledge base


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